Thursday, May 8, 2008

What you absolutely must know about the one you are with.

This is one very useful eBook.
Here are over 1,000 of the most important questions that you and your partner should ask each other. These are the questions that go beyond small talk and simply making conversation like you will find in most "couple's questions" books. You will NOT find questions like "if you were a color, what color would you be" or "what is your most embarrassing moment".

Here are some of the topics the 1000 questions are divided into:

Personality, Feelings & Emotions


Health, Food & Well Being

Morals, Convictions and Beliefs

Car & Driver Holidays & Celebrations

Past & Future

Love, Romance & Date Nights



Children & Child Rearing


When you and your partner answer these 1000 questions, I guarantee that you will know each other better than 99% of couples on the face of the earth,
Imagine the advantages you will both have.......

"My boyfriend and I took four months going through the questions - a few each day and at the end we were so certain about our future together that we didn't hesitate to get engaged."

"I had been going out with this guy for about 7 months and we were even engaged when I began to question whether or not I really knew him. My mom bought this book for me as she was really concerned.
We only got through about half of the book and it was pretty obvious that he wasn't exactly what he portrayed himself to be. I got real creeped out by some of his answers and I am sooooooo grateful I didn't marry the guy."

These are just a few comments from some of the many people that this book has helped...

It will help you as well.

Check out all the info available at

Checkout the 1000 questions here

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