Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Books for Lovers

As lovers we are in a relationship, those relationships are named in various ways, it maybe a friendship where you are lovers of convenience, you maybe living together, you maybe engaged to be married or you may already be married and have been for many years.

Each one of these are different stages within each of our lives and relationship, our aim, I believe is to find our partner and decide to have such a relationship that enables love 'to grow'. Yes sometimes we fall 'in Love' when we first meet, then we've all seen or heard of relationships where the initial meeting between a couple was full of tension and friction in many ways, yet a long term marriage has resulted, and is strong.

Between these two examples sit the relationships of most of the population of this world, it does not matter if we are in New Zealand, South Africa or Norway or any other country in this world, or no matter what nationally we are, the fact is that we need to ‘work on our relationship’ no matter where we live. For one reason or another we chose whom we are living with or married to, they were good reasons, they were valid, they were what made us feel happy, safe, comforted and yes ‘part of a relationship’.

During the many stages of relationships there are expectations and exterior pressures from family, friends, work, advertising (yes advertising), magazines, TV and the internet. Even this article could have a lasting effect and influence on ourselves and our partner, therefore effecting our relationship, causing it to be pushed and pulled in many ways.

It has been said that ‘The grass is greener on the other side of the fence’ we see this in advertising – the holidays that we could have – the next new toy we crave - we know that to get these items we have to ‘work’ to find the money to pay for them.

Where as, in a relationship that may not be going as we expect, we see all the faults of our partner, not realizing - completely - what is actually having an effect on him or her, we may know some of the causes (we think), but not even our partner may entirely know what is creating the reactions that we see.

I like a slight variation on the above saying.
‘The Grass maybe greener on the other side of the fence – but it also needs mowing’
Your relationship needs to be looked after, it needs to be nurtured even massaged every now and again.

I’ve found some books for lovers that are designed to help couples through a relationship breakdown. My suggestion is to read them before you need them.
Some of the titles are:

“Saving your Marriage”
How to keep your loving relationship growing day after day, year after year.
This is the glue that cements it all. This is the endpoint (or beginning) you'll finally realize and live a happy life with your spouse. If you apply all the techniques in this book, not only should you count on getting your loved one back but you can also rest assured that your relationship will actually become deeper and more satisfying than you ever thought possible!

“Keep your Marriage”
Of course you want a happy marriage. Everyone does, and we deserve it.
But does it seem like your marriage is falling apart in front of your eyes? And you don't know what to do?
Don't give up. There's still hope for you Both.

“Save my Marriage Today”
"Have You Ever Stayed Awake at Night Stressing About Whether or Not Your Marriage Will Last - And What You Can Possibly Do to Save It?"
"Put an End to the Stress and Anxiety of Not Knowing What to Do to Save Your Troubled Marriage!"

“Fix Your Sexless Marriage”
A sexless marriage isn't a problem in itself. It's a symptom of something much deeper. Trying to solve the symptom instead of the problem can actually make things worse between you. If you really want to get the sex back into your marriage you must look deeper to find the real cause.

You can learn more about these books on the Squidoo Lens
to-save-a-marriage as I said, get them and read them before you need them.

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